Acupuncture belongs to traditional Chinese medicine and is widely accepted. There are more than 64 disorders have been recognized by the World Health Organization. The goal of our curriculum is to enhance acupuncture sciences and cultivate the professionals and teaching personnel in acupuncture. Our educational objective is to improve the students’ capability in follow aspects -“independent thinking, problem solving, researching skills, verbal expression, and international perspectives”. Foreigners who participated and completed in this course are awarded at least a bachelor degree from the authorized overseas or domestic institutions by Ministry of Education of our country.
About our Institute
Our Institute is established in 2005, the Ph.D. program is established in 2015, and we are the first professional Research Institute setup in Taiwan. The major purposes of our establishment are to cultivate the qualified acupuncture teachers and specialists for research and development purpose. Our directions of research and development are to base on traditional acupuncture, theory of meridian and clinical practice. By mating to the principle, technology, and methods of Western medicine, the science of acupuncture is studied. From the view of physical and life science, the functional principle of acupuncture is therefore researched and developed to promote the clinical therapy and application of the acupuncture.
Establishment of purpose
Promote acupuncture science, teacher training and research personnel of Acupuncture
Teaching Goals
Training Students have abilities of “independent thinking, problem solving, and research capabilities, verbal expression, international outlook."
Core competencies
Training Students have abilities of “Acupuncture, research capabilities, verbal expression, and international perspective.”
Previous Directors
Term of office |
Director |
2005-2008 |
Li, Te-Mao, Associate Professor |
2008-2012.07 |
Hsieh, Ching-Liang, Professor |
2012.08-2016.01 |
Hsu, Sheng-Feng, Associate Professor |
2016.02-2016.10 |
Chou, Li-Wei, Professor |
2016.11-2018.07 |
Hsieh, Ching-Liang, Professor |
2018.08-2020.07 |
Chang, Hen-Hong, Professor |
2020.08-2021.07 |
Sun, Mao-Feng, Professor |
2021.07-2022.07 |
Chen,Yi-Hung, Professor |
2022.08-now | Lee,Yu-Chen, Professor |