Doctoral Program
Student Information - Doctoral Regulations
- 中國醫藥大學研究生修業規定(link is external) / Regulations on the Study of Graduate Students of China Medical University(link is external)
- 針灸研究所博士班研究生之修業要點Key Points of the Study of Graduate Students in the Doctoral Program of the Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science, China Medical University(link is external)
Student Handbooks
Those who have met the following requirements can apply for a doctoral degree examination
- Having at least completed credits in Ph.D. Program, which are stipulated in the graduation credit recognition list of the year of admission.
- Have attended two international academic symposiums, in at least one of which the student shall deliver an oral presentation, posting a poster, or act as a moderator. (Provide the attachment)
- Published the relevant research results of his/her doctoral dissertation in at least one paper or academic journals covered by the international Science Citation Index (SCI), and the cumulative scores of Impact Factor 4.0 or higher.
Qualification Assessment of Doctoral Candidacy
-->Notes for Qualification Assessment of Doctoral Candidacy
- Format 1 - Application for the Qualification Assessment of Doctoral Candidacy (Please go to the Student Information System to apply)
- Format 2 - Letter of Recommendation from the Thesis Adviser-Doctoral
- Format 3 - Format Qualification Assessment
-->Format Description of Research Proposal for the Qualification Assessment of Doctoral Candidacy
**The application shall be submitted after the end of the first academic year, and completion of the required courses for a doctoral degree (excluding seminars). The review completed no later than the end of the third academic year.**
Degree Examinations of Doctoral
-->Notes for Degree Examinations of Doctoral (Please go to the Student Information System to apply)
- Format 1 - Application for the Degree Examination-Doctoral
- Format 2 - Letter of Recommendation from the Thesis Adviser-Doctoral
- Format 3 - Format of Ph.D. Dissertation
- Format 4 - Format of Spine-Doctoral
- Format 5 - CMU Graduate Student Academic Ethics Statement
-->Originality comparison of papers(link is external)
--> Postgraduate thesis upload key points description
-->Electronic These & Dissertations Service(link is external)
The name of this Institute about submission the paper:Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science, (College of Chinese Medicine,) China Medical University, Taichung 40402, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
More information for international students click here Entry Qualifications(link is external)
More information of the Graduate student can go to Office of Graduate Student Affairs(link is external) website.