「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」防疫小組 敬上
According to the latest regulation of the Ministry of Education, all courses will implement the online teaching and students learn remotely from home, and do not attend school
In response to the latest announcement of the Ministry of Education on May 18, due to severe pandemic situation, all courses at CMU will implement the online teaching measures from May 18 to May 30. Faculty members and staffs shall come to the campus for work, while students shall implement online self-learning at home. Online teaching will be regarded as formal courses, there will not be make-up courses during the summer vacation. For laboratory courses and internship courses that have difficulty be taught online, the course can be suspended temporarily and make-up courses can be arranged at a later date. Homework, reports, exams and other related evaluation for the courses shall be submitted online or be arranged at a later date.
Please refer to the latest regulation of the Ministry of Education: