1. 申請流程
2. 繳交資料至針灸辦公室
備註:本所博士班研究生之博士論文研究成果應於相關之學術性學會發表,且刊載於相關學術性期刊,博士論文之相關研究成果,Impact Factor分數總和至少4.0分(含)以上(請附上該篇文章的IF值)。
- 中國醫藥大學針灸研究所碩士班研究生學位授予暨學位考試辦法
- 中國醫藥大學針灸研究所碩士班研究生之修業要點
- 中國醫藥大學針灸研究所博士班研究生學位授予暨學位考試辦法
- 中國醫藥大學針灸研究所博士班研究生之修業要點
- 中國醫藥大學研究生學位授予暨學位考試辦法
- 中國醫藥大學研究生修業規定
111 Academic Year 2nd Semester Application for Thesis Defense Oral Examination_2023
Application for Thesis Defense Oral Examination, please submit an application one month before the oral examination.
The application deadline is 05/26 (Fri), and the oral examination should be completed before 07/14 (Fri).
【Thesis Defense Oral Examination】
**Must complete the courses and credits stipulated by the institute, so that you can apply for the exam, please confirm by yourself**
1. Application process
●Online application: Path [Student Information System→Various Applications→Graduate Degree Examination Application]
●Fill in the thesis title, exam date, exam location, committee member information, etc.
●Upload files:
(1) CMU Graduate Student Academic Ethics Statement [Please go to the website of the Graduate Affairs Office → download the form]
(2) Comparison results of originality of papers
[Please fill in the name of the author, please fill in the title of the paper for the name of the document]
[For Chinese papers, please use the Chinese paper comparison system, and for English papers, please use the <Turnitin> system]
(3) Letter of Recommendation from the Thesis Adviser
●Send application
●Print: Application Form - Please check the relevant information of the examination (English name, conferred degree...)
2. Submit the materials to the Office
●Degree Examination Application Checklist
●Application for Thesis Defense Oral Examination (please sign by the Adviser)
●Letter of recommendation from the Adviser
●CMU Graduate Student Academic Ethics Statement
●Transcripts over the years
●Comparison results of papers - the first comparison (the Adviser needs to sign on the cover)
●First draft of graduation thesis
●Thesis publication certificate
**Master program: Participate in one academic seminar, submit one academic journal paper submission certificate or one seminar poster.
**Doctoral program: need to participate in two international academic seminars, at least one of which should be given an oral report or posted a poster or serve as chairperson.
●Teaching training certificate (foreign students - not required)
●English Proficiency (foreign students - not required)