

1. 申請流程


2. 繳交資料至針灸辦公室
備註:本所博士班研究生之博士論文研究成果應於相關之學術性學會發表,且刊載於相關學術性期刊,博士論文之相關研究成果,Impact Factor分數總和至少4.0()以上(請附上該篇文章的IF)


111 Academic Year 2nd Semester Application for Thesis Defense Oral Examination_2023
Application for Thesis Defense Oral Examination, please submit an application one month before the oral examination.

The application deadline is 05/26 (Fri), and the oral examination should be completed before 07/14 (Fri).
Thesis Defense Oral Examination
**Must complete the courses and credits stipulated by the institute, so that you can apply for the exam, please confirm by yourself**
1. Application process
Online application: Path [Student Information SystemVarious ApplicationsGraduate Degree Examination Application]
Fill in the thesis title, exam date, exam location, committee member information, etc.
Upload files:
(1) CMU Graduate Student Academic Ethics Statement [Please go to the website of the Graduate Affairs Office download the form]
(2) Comparison results of originality of papers
[Please fill in the name of the author, please fill in the title of the paper for the name of the document]
[For Chinese papers, please use the Chinese paper comparison system, and for English papers, please use the <Turnitin> system]
(3) Letter of Recommendation from the Thesis Adviser
Send application
Print: Application Form - Please check the relevant information of the examination (English name, conferred degree...)

2. Submit the materials to the Office
Degree Examination Application Checklist
Application for Thesis Defense Oral Examination (please sign by the Adviser)
Letter of recommendation from the Adviser
CMU Graduate Student Academic Ethics Statement
Transcripts over the years
Comparison results of papers - the first comparison (the Adviser needs to sign on the cover)
First draft of graduation thesis
Thesis publication certificate
**Master program: Participate in one academic seminar, submit one academic journal paper submission certificate or one seminar poster.
**Doctoral program: need to participate in two international academic seminars, at least one of which should be given an oral report or posted a poster or serve as chairperson.
Teaching training certificate (foreign students - not required)
English Proficiency (foreign students - not required)